Writing Contest 2019- 2020


Promonet Publishing, a young publisher that offers online publishing services, celebrates its 8th Anniversary with the official launch of the international award, which is dedicated to the independent publication of new authors in two categories that are Fiction and Nonfiction. This purpose is based on the motto of our editorial "Promoting knowledge on the Internet". With the fact of presenting his work to this Prize, the author of the work accepts that it will be governed by the following bases that are explained below:
Novice writers of any nationality, of legal age, who have written a single work in English, original and unpublished, and who are not participating in other contests during the award of this prize, may participate.
To participate, only the file of the work will be accepted in digital format .txt, rtf, doc, docx or PDF. At no time will the postal work of the work be requested in a portable storage unit, nor will the printed format of the participating works be expedited in order to expedite the selection process. All participants will be sent a confirmation email regarding the successful reception of their work and participant data, or if necessary, they will be notified of any necessary correction for their re-submission within the term of this call. There is not a fee payment to participate.
The work and data of the participant should be sent only to our email:
Two categories are presented:
• Fictional digital narrative: The work is included in fiction according to the short narrative of a single author, as a collection of short stories, micro stories, short stories or novels. Works of an extension of up to 150 pages maximum, with arial letter, double spacing, and one-inch margins will be accepted. The theme of the work is free, but the following subgenres are recommended: romantic, terror and mystery, political satire, humor, erotic and police.
• Nonfiction digital narrative: Only the work, written by one or two authors, is included in this category, according to the academic research of any professional field such as essay, collection of journalism articles, manuals and guides. Works of an extension of up to 150 pages maximum, with arial letter, double spacing, and one-inch margins will be accepted. The theme of the work is free, but the following subgenres are recommended: scientific, social, political and economic. It is accepted that tables, graphics and images with a good resolution of 300 ppi are included in the digital file of the nonfiction work.
Participation by real name of author and / or pseudonym is allowed. In either case, two attachments must be sent in the same email; one of the Work and another of the Data of the participant, with the following: Title of the work, Pseudonym (if it has one), Legal name of the author of the participating work, Literary genre, Sub thematic gender, Identity document number or passport, country of residence, address, email, cell phone number (WhatsApp if you have it), Brief biographical review of the author and recent photo.
The deadline for sending the works will be until 23:59 Pacific time, on Febrary 28, 2020.
The works of the 10 finalists will be announced through the official website of Promonet Publishing in July 2019, after which two winners and three finalists will be chosen, who will be chosen according to their category based on the narrative quality of the argument, or innovation. in academic research.
The prize will consist of 1 package of digital edition services, whose unit value ranges from $ 300.00, for the complete edition and publication of the 2 winning works in ebook format or e-book and soft cover edition for sale on demand in the platform that Promonet assign you, with a free promotion on the Internet through ads linked to the official sales site and video book trailers for a maximum period of 3 years, counted from the date of announcement of the ruling. If considered, the organization of the Prize may also consider granting the other 5 selected finalists special discounts for editing and editing services within a limited time for those who have not won, have the interest to hire at a lower price editing services, self-publishing, translation into Spanish, Italian or Portuguese the promotion of your participant work with Promonet Publishing. In addition to packages of free ebooks owned by the digital publisher.

The prize could not be declared void.
The jury will consist of three employees of Ediciones Promonet that will be revealed at the time of the ruling in an estimated date for the end of July 2020, of which all participants will be informed through the site.
Subsequent communication will be maintained with the 5 winning participants through email and social networks. It is assumed that all participants to this award are subscribed to the contact base by e-mail of Editions Promonet, until they express their express request to unsubscribe from it.
Promonet Publishing waives the right to charge or receive any percentage of what has been earned for the sales of its work by the two winning authors in its sales platform and gives them these rights for life. The finalists grant Ediciones Promonet the use of their cover and parts of the content of their prize-winning work to promote themselves on their official websites and blogs on the Internet, as well as their face photography for an indefinite period, in addition to the placement of advertising within Promonet Publishing collections at the end of your ebook and in the printed book when your published work is published.
The two authors of the awarded works will hold 70% of their international royalties, (the remaining 30% will correspond to the service of an online sales platform such as Amazon, Casa del Libro, Kobo Rakuten, etc.) as well as their rights connected by the authorship of their works such as adaptation, independent reissue by printing and others. With the exception of the right of distribution, whereby they assume that Promonet Publishing will advise them in the process of self-publishing in all tasks that this implies, such as their editorial under exclusive hiring without cost. This includes the creation of a personalized account of the author or author of each work where he will have to supply the editor with some general, personal and secure banking information, with the sole purpose of receiving by direct electronic transfer the funds provided by his royalties and sales reports. within the period deemed appropriate for the cancellation or extension of this commitment between the parties.
Promonet Publishing as a publishing services company, assumes a vision based on respect for human rights, and civil liberties, for which it will not accept or promote works that violate the principles of peace and social justice, as can happen with violence, racism, discrimination and abuse against civil rights.
Promonet Publishing will guarantee the confidentiality of the use of the data sent to this contest, and will assume the responsibility of eliminating all the files that are not awarded. It will also be limited as an intermediary agency or third party before the possible legal implications presented to the author of his work before the External Sales Platform, and to obtain the prize, the author will even assume the payment of his taxes that will generate its e-commerce activities according to each country, for which the winning author releases any responsibility for any event that could affect the representatives of this International Prize with its main office in the Republic of Panama.