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Esthetic It is health through water, nowadays the use of the word "spa" is related to leisure and health establishments, where therapies are mainly used with water, by swimming pool, jacuzzi, hydromassages and saunas, medicinally they are called spas, also massages and treatments of tradition or cultural heritage are offered according to each region of the planet. 1. Physical improvement: The physical improvement of muscle pain and certain bone problems such as arthritis is achieved. 2. Psychic improvement: Reduction of stress, based on the relaxation that is obtained. 3. Aesthetic improvement: The relaxation and feeling of well-being and tranquility is reflected in our appearance, through the different beauty treatments that can be performed. To learn more about this ebook please visit this site: THE ESTHETICIANS GUIDE THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK   Even you can follow us on instagram @ Promonet Publishing to...

Promonet UK releases new books

BOOK STORE UNITED KINGDOM THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK Guided learning and training Paperback version, Full Color 130 FAMOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ARTICLES Ebook version Dictionary ebook version ESTHETICIANS GUIDE: SPA AND CLINICS Guided learning and training Paperback version, Gray Color MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION HANDBOOK Theather, Film, Radio and Web Ebook version Paperback version THE SOUNDMAN BOOK GUIDED LEARNING FOR SINGERS AND MUSICIANS Ebook version BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK comerce and current trends Ebook version Paperback version 12 DIETS FULLNESS: A COMPLETE ANATOMICAL PLAN Eating wisely Ebook version THE INDIAN CARAITO AND THE MUSES WARS Ebook version Paperback version FERDINAND AND THE CASTLE OF MAGIC EGG Ebook version Paperback version BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL TALES Ebook version THREE POLAR BEARS AT CHRISTMAS: Coloring Book Ebook version Paperback version BIBY 9 ACTIVITIES C...

Dafne Bergson release her new work titled " The Estetician Book"

NOW AVAILABLE IN AMAZON, WALLMART, BARNES & NOBLE BOOK STORES It is the new release from Promonet Publishing, a full color and large print book for all those readers who enjoy this format to take advantage in beauty treatments. In May 2017 we published the first edition of this aesthetics manual, which in these three years of continuous promotion has received a great acceptance from the public of English-speaking readers and translated into six other languages from the continents of Europe and Asia. We consider that the health and well-being of our dear readers is a sensitive and very important topic, so we decided to review its content to improve it with 24 additional topics that had not been included before, more graphics, in addition to adding an additional chapter at the end with relaxation therapies that summarizes in a concise and enjoyable way those concepts that complete a work in this field of beauty science. Another innovation that we apply in this version are t...

Your own facial step by step

FACIAL MASSAGE PROTOCOL The set of tasks for the realization and attention of a facial massage treatment are the following: 1. Place moisturizer on the entire face. 2. Perform circular movement, from the neck perform the circular movements and climb to the area behind the ears. 3. Then with the fingers we stretch towards the chin area. 4. In the chin we perform circular movements and stretch. 5. Then in the buccinator of the lips we place the fingers from side to side, one above and the other below, and stretch. Then make circular friction and stretch again. 6. Place the four fingers on the masseter muscle, perform circular movements until counting three repetitions and stretch. 7. Place the thumb at the level of the wing of the nose perform circular movement and stretch to the superciliary muscle on the opposite side. "The Esthetician's Book" ebook and book 📚📖 version THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK 8. Before going up, m...

Polar Bears Enviroment - A Free Christmas ebook for kids

Thanking all our dear readers for their support during the year 2024, we give away the completely free version of our fun ebook "The Three Polar Bears" - December 3th and 4th. Our printed version will be on sale from Amazon, to give as a coloring book of activities for your children in this special season. . The Polar Bear: A Majestic Arctic Hunter The polar bear, a magnificent creature perfectly adapted to the harsh Arctic environment, is the largest land carnivore on Earth. Its thick white fur, powerful physique, and keen hunting instincts make it a formidable predator. Feeding Habits: Polar bears are primarily carnivores, with their diet consisting mainly of seals. They are opportunistic hunters, often stalking their prey near breathing holes in the sea ice. Their exceptional sense of smell allows them to detect seals from great distances. Once they have located their prey, they launch a swift attack, using their powerful claws and jaws to subdue...

Combine a beauty salon with a spa

SERVICE VARIATIONS IN A BEAUTY SALON & SPA dth="480" /> There are also other variations of the type of business where you combine a beauty salon with a spa including only some of the aesthetic services extended, non-invasive, for the health the face as they are: • Eyebrow waxing • Facial • Artificial sun tanning • Manicure • Pedicure • Oxygen therapy • Mud baths • Aromatherapy THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK Beauty salons have proven to be an industry proof of economic recession in developed nations extending to sub-developed countries every time. Although sales have declined since 2008 due to the large recession, these remain robust in a long-term projection. It is even thought that during recessions consumers tend to be more price conscious, and these costs increase continuously. With the increasing the income per capita in the United States since 2015, beauty salons are emerging with the industry generating $ 56.2 billion. Hair care is the lar...