It is the new release from Promonet Publishing, a full color and large print book for all those readers who enjoy this format to take advantage in beauty treatments. In May 2017 we published the first edition of this aesthetics manual, which in these three years of continuous promotion has received a great acceptance from the public of English-speaking readers and translated into six other languages from the continents of Europe and Asia. We consider that the health and well-being of our dear readers is a sensitive and very important topic, so we decided to review its content to improve it with 24 additional topics that had not been included before, more graphics, in addition to adding an additional chapter at the end with relaxation therapies that summarizes in a concise and enjoyable way those concepts that complete a work in this field of beauty science. Another innovation that we apply in this version are the sections of “Key ideas and suggested activities” for instructors and students of aesthetics of specialized schools. Here the reader will find videos and audiobooks as exclusive teaching material, with topics that are included in this edition to strengthen the learning process. For all these reasons we celebrate this second edition with great pride and satisfaction. She lives in Great Britain.

For this reason, this book was published for all those who see in the art of body aesthetics a way to use their time profitably. And like the female and male figures, they are part of self-esteem, which is the factor most related to mental health, personal fulfillment and happiness, it has several chapters that illustrate, define and explain many of the concepts and procedures which are necessary to work within an aesthetic clinic, or even manage it as your own business. The bibliography available on the Internet on the techniques and protocols of beauty most accepted at present, has been updated with this Manual that left nothing pending because all the topics and subtopics have been included that will complete any questions that may be had and are related to this field so recommended in our days.
Starting with chapter one where we address the origin and theory of Aesthetics from ancient Greece and compare it with contemporary rethinking. In the second entitled "Aesthetic subspecialties" we define its concept, intermediate relationships, its types and we highlight the healthy benefits that can be obtained from various types of therapies that combine natural and ancient techniques. And we will see how aesthetics also help people in more serious cases where facial trauma suffered by some accidents that disfigure our face with more invasive scientific methods.