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ESTHETIC Plastic surgery is the branch of surgery that deals with remodeling any part of the human body affected by an injury or deformity. The malformation can be congenital, that is, be present from birth, as in the case of children born with cleft palate or cleft lip or other congenital anomaly. The disfigurement may also be a consequence of a surgical injury or deformity necessary for the treatment of diseases such as cancer. The main objectives of plastic surgery are the correction of anomalies, the restoration of lost functions and the improvement of the appearance of disfigured parts. Plastic surgery is one of the oldest surgical practices. It is likely that nose reconstruction operations were performed in ancient India as early as 2000 BC, when amputations of the nose were a form of punishment; With time, the caste of potters devised a method to reconstruct the nose using a part of the forehead, a technique that is still used today. There are also so...


Esthetic The most primitive baths of the ancient cultures were only dependencies of the gymnasiums and they had cold water, but at the end of the 5th century BC. they began to become complex independent facilities, located throughout the metropolis. The vestiges of ruins of this type that have been exclusively found bathrooms of the male members of government are those of the city Mohenjo-Daro in India whose date is before 2000 BC, in Crete, an island of the Greek archipelago built around from 1700-1400 BC and in the royal city in Egypt Tell el-Amarna, built around 1350 a.C. There were small versions of these same facilities for women. In Rome, Italy the Diocletian's Bath was conserved that at the moment became the Church of Santa Maria of the Angels, was the place where the water was brought of the distant sources by means of aqueducts. To heat the interior of all the rooms, a series of ducts with hot water were used, located under the floors that we...


NUTRITION In the spatial tract of digestion located between the stomach and the small intestine, we find another gland Endocrine of vital importance; The pancreas. Its function is to provide the enormous reserve of caloric energy that Body organs, both in the active and rest state, by providing two hormones The metabolism of carbohydrates or sugars, naturally derived from fruit saccharides. The deficiencies of the pancreas are not frequent. Acute pancreatitis is a serious disease that can be fatal If not treated immediately. Symptoms may be confused with those of a peritonitis or an obstruction intestinal because they are very painful. Endocrine secretion of the pancreas is the hormone insulin which is fundamental in the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body. With this, being secreted from the islets Langerhans to regulate during digestion the carbohydrates of carbon, fats and starch. Like other proteins, synthetic insulin can not be absorbed by oral route ...

Multimedia Production Handbook

NEW MULTIMEDIA BOOK FOR WRITERS & PRODUCERS Our main purpose is to continue strengthening the knowledge of readers. Therefore, we decided to edit this electronic book for all those people who see in multimedia production a hobby, a dream, a profession or a career in life. And as the audiovisual production has not stopped evolving, to improve and to surprise the audiences formed by millions of spectators anxious to inform themselves, entertain themselves and transorb ways of life; this book has several chapters that illustrate, defining and explaining many of the concepts and procedures that are necessary to work within the television and audiovisual industry, without leaving behind those primal media that were giving form and character to what today we call multimedia. You can start your own multimedia projects, or even manage a medium company as your own business. The bibliography available on the Internet about the techniques and production processes most acc...

To be the best version of you

DOES IT MEANS WE HAVE BEAUTY LEVELS? The aesthetic traces several levels of measurement of the attributes of human beauty that range from the simplicity of the pretty, the candor of the beautiful and in the highest concept the naturalness of the beautiful. Others maintain that the inner beauty of a person can be valued by the positive qualities that a person practices before other people that without overrating the physical as we regularly emphasize, make human values as the primary standard of social estimation and public recognition. We recognize that the physical appearance, dress and manners of our behavior are signs of education or academic preparation, as well as social status, but physical attractiveness also arises if there is a difference between the beautiful and the sublime. On the one hand we find the inherent factors in the personality and experience of each person as the "Vanity" which is defined as a quality of conceit and presump...

Esthetic ebook sale

To learn more about this ebook please visit this site: THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK 12 DIETS FULNESS   Even you can follow us on instagram @ Promonet_Publishing to know our promotions and special offers!


MAN FACE'S CARE IN A BARBERSHOP They are places dedicated to the service of haircut and beard exclusive for men and short style for women, which still remain in some countries of the Mediterranean and Latin America where it has not yet been replaced by the unisex beauty salons. The name of barber 'comes from the treatment to the growth of the beard that from the old was made, and is the person in charge of the barber to shave, cut and condition the hair of the customers. A barber today must have a lot of manual precision and count on artist qualities to apply the diverse levels of court so that it obtains an excellent result and the expectations of its clientele, that it usually becomes frequent. Among the functions performed by a barber or hairdresser are: • Give daily maintenance to keep the razors in good condition, this means free of hair and oiled. • Avoid reusing the disposable razors of those that are reusable as those of European import. • ...


NUTRITION The hormone aldosterone acts at the level of the kidney, causing the loss of potassium and the retension of sodium, when presents a hypersecretion disorder is called aldosteronism, and can be internal or external to the cortex adrenal. When there is an abnormal increase of the tissues in the woman, hyperplasia occurs, or alteration of the operation of the kidney and is called primary hyperaldosteronism, or suprrenal tumor or carcinoma excessive amount of this hormone. With the use of potassium, blood pressure rises, fatigue is felt, Thirst, muscle fatigue and increases urine excretion. With the combination of diuretic herbs along with foods like banana and pistachio this loss is prevented. When the hypertension states are accompanied by other symptoms external to the urinary tract such as accumulation of fluid in the tissues, congestive heart failure or liver cirrhosis is called secondary aldosteronism. We recommend volume 2 of the revo...