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Promonet UK releases new books

BOOK STORE UNITED KINGDOM THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK Guided learning and training Paperback version, Full Color 130 FAMOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ARTICLES Ebook version Dictionary ebook version ESTHETICIANS GUIDE: SPA AND CLINICS Guided learning and training Paperback version, Gray Color MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION HANDBOOK Theather, Film, Radio and Web Ebook version Paperback version THE SOUNDMAN BOOK GUIDED LEARNING FOR SINGERS AND MUSICIANS Ebook version BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK comerce and current trends Ebook version Paperback version 12 DIETS FULLNESS: A COMPLETE ANATOMICAL PLAN Eating wisely Ebook version THE INDIAN CARAITO AND THE MUSES WARS Ebook version Paperback version FERDINAND AND THE CASTLE OF MAGIC EGG Ebook version Paperback version BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL TALES Ebook version THREE POLAR BEARS AT CHRISTMAS: Coloring Book Ebook version Paperback version BIBY 9 ACTIVITIES C...


MAN FACE'S CARE IN A BARBERSHOP They are places dedicated to the service of haircut and beard exclusive for men and short style for women, which still remain in some countries of the Mediterranean and Latin America where it has not yet been replaced by the unisex beauty salons. The name of barber 'comes from the treatment to the growth of the beard that from the old was made, and is the person in charge of the barber to shave, cut and condition the hair of the customers. A barber today must have a lot of manual precision and count on artist qualities to apply the diverse levels of court so that it obtains an excellent result and the expectations of its clientele, that it usually becomes frequent. Among the functions performed by a barber or hairdresser are: • Give daily maintenance to keep the razors in good condition, this means free of hair and oiled. • Avoid reusing the disposable razors of those that are reusable as those of European import. • ...

Turning the Food Pyramid Upside Down

EAT WITH PYRAMID UPSIDE DOWN Pay special attention to the recommended daily serving of each food group is vital when we set our personal wellness goals portions. Nutrition pyramid has this objective, to show which groups require greater food supply and what should be kept low, for reasons of proven health. Dr. Light was the USDA Director of Dietary Guidance and Nutrition Education Research. She was hired to help develop the nation’s new dietary guidelines for the food pyramid. Dr. Light recommended the base of the pyramid be filled with five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Grains were recommended at just three to four servings daily, and coming from whole sources. Oils, such as olive oil and flaxseed oil were recommended for consumption at four tablespoons per day. Whereas, sugar was at the tip of the pyramid, the thing least recommended, and it was offered that it to be less than 10% of a person’s daily calories. In the pantry or refrigera...