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Promonet UK releases new books

BOOK STORE UNITED KINGDOM THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK Guided learning and training Paperback version, Full Color 130 FAMOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ARTICLES Ebook version Dictionary ebook version ESTHETICIANS GUIDE: SPA AND CLINICS Guided learning and training Paperback version, Gray Color MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION HANDBOOK Theather, Film, Radio and Web Ebook version Paperback version THE SOUNDMAN BOOK GUIDED LEARNING FOR SINGERS AND MUSICIANS Ebook version BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK comerce and current trends Ebook version Paperback version 12 DIETS FULLNESS: A COMPLETE ANATOMICAL PLAN Eating wisely Ebook version THE INDIAN CARAITO AND THE MUSES WARS Ebook version Paperback version FERDINAND AND THE CASTLE OF MAGIC EGG Ebook version Paperback version BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL TALES Ebook version THREE POLAR BEARS AT CHRISTMAS: Coloring Book Ebook version Paperback version BIBY 9 ACTIVITIES C...

He was the best member of his family band

Michael Jackson Biography  Michael Joseph Jackson was born in Indiana in 1958, he was an American singer, dancer and songwriter known as 'the king of pop'. He was born in Gary, Indiana. At the age of five he joined the group formed by his brothers, known initially as The Jackson Five and later as The Jacksons. Michael became the leader of the group thanks to his magnificent abilities to dance and sing. With the sponsorship of Berry Gordy's, they became famous thanks to their albums (released by the Motown company), their concerts and their television appearances. Michael's first album, titled Got to Be There (1971), established him as a solo artist. After leaving the family group, he played the role of Scarecrow in the musical film The Wizard (1978, by Sidney Lumet) and recorded the album Off the Wall (1979), which included several of his compositions. The album Thriller (1982) won eight Grammy Awards and became the best-selling album in history up to t...

Knowing the concept of Acustics

* Introduction to Acoustics: Explore the nature of sound, sound waves, their properties such as frequency and amplitude, and how they interact with our ears to create perception. Each musical instrument produces a characteristic vibration. The vibrations spread through the air forming sound waves that, when they reach the ear, allow us to identify the instrument, even if we cannot see it. The four examples shown represent typical waveforms of some common instruments. A tuning fork generates a pure sound, and vibrates regularly with a rounded waveform. A violin generates a clear sound and a jagged waveform. The flute generates a soft sound and a relatively rounded waveform. The tuning fork, violin, and flute play the same note, so the distance between the wave maxima is the same in all waveforms. A gong does not vibrate regularly like the first three instruments. Its waveform is jagged and random, and you usually cannot recognize the note. Sound is defined as the ...

From the war to the typewriter

Ernest Hemingway Biography  Ernesto "Ernie" Miller Hemingway, born in Oak Park, Illinois, on July 21, 1899, was an American writer who conquered the world with his concise prose and adventurous lifestyle. More than just a novelist, Hemingway was an inveterate globetrotter, a passionate hunter, an intrepid war correspondent, and an unrepentant drinker.  **From war to the typewriter**  His youth was marked by the First World War, where he served as an ambulance driver in Italy. This traumatic experience would leave a deep mark on his work, imbuing it with a melancholic tone and a disenchanted view of the world. After the war, Hemingway moved to Paris, where he immersed himself in the vibrant literary scene of the time, rubbing shoulders with figures such as Gertrude Stein, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Ezra Pound. **The birth of a literary icon**  In 1925, Hemingway published his first novel, **"Party"**, which portrayed the "Lo...