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Showing posts with the label uk

Dafne Bergson release her new work titled " The Estetician Book"

NOW AVAILABLE IN AMAZON, WALLMART, BARNES & NOBLE BOOK STORES It is the new release from Promonet Publishing, a full color and large print book for all those readers who enjoy this format to take advantage in beauty treatments. In May 2017 we published the first edition of this aesthetics manual, which in these three years of continuous promotion has received a great acceptance from the public of English-speaking readers and translated into six other languages from the continents of Europe and Asia. We consider that the health and well-being of our dear readers is a sensitive and very important topic, so we decided to review its content to improve it with 24 additional topics that had not been included before, more graphics, in addition to adding an additional chapter at the end with relaxation therapies that summarizes in a concise and enjoyable way those concepts that complete a work in this field of beauty science. Another innovation that we apply in this version are t...


Esthetic The most primitive baths of the ancient cultures were only dependencies of the gymnasiums and they had cold water, but at the end of the 5th century BC. they began to become complex independent facilities, located throughout the metropolis. The vestiges of ruins of this type that have been exclusively found bathrooms of the male members of government are those of the city Mohenjo-Daro in India whose date is before 2000 BC, in Crete, an island of the Greek archipelago built around from 1700-1400 BC and in the royal city in Egypt Tell el-Amarna, built around 1350 a.C. There were small versions of these same facilities for women. In Rome, Italy the Diocletian's Bath was conserved that at the moment became the Church of Santa Maria of the Angels, was the place where the water was brought of the distant sources by means of aqueducts. To heat the interior of all the rooms, a series of ducts with hot water were used, located under the floors that we...