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Promonet United States brings new publications

Major Publishing Houses in the USA and England: Range Sales Last Year The publishing industry in the USA and England is dominated by a few major players. These "Big Five" publishing houses, as they are often called, are: * Penguin Random House * HarperCollins * Hachette Livre * Simon & Schuster * Macmillan In addition to these five, there are a number of other major publishing houses, such as: * Bloomsbury * Faber & Faber * Pan Macmillan It is difficult to give precise sales figures for these companies, as they are often privately held and do not release their financial data publicly. However, it is possible to get a general sense of their sales by looking at industry reports and estimates. According to a report by Statista, the total revenue of the book publishing industry in the United States was \$26.2 billion in 2020. The Big Five publishing houses accounted for a significant portion of this revenue. In the United Kingdom, the b...



Your own facial step by step

FACIAL MASSAGE PROTOCOL The set of tasks for the realization and attention of a facial massage treatment are the following: 1. Place moisturizer on the entire face. 2. Perform circular movement, from the neck perform the circular movements and climb to the area behind the ears. 3. Then with the fingers we stretch towards the chin area. 4. In the chin we perform circular movements and stretch. 5. Then in the buccinator of the lips we place the fingers from side to side, one above and the other below, and stretch. Then make circular friction and stretch again. 6. Place the four fingers on the masseter muscle, perform circular movements until counting three repetitions and stretch. 7. Place the thumb at the level of the wing of the nose perform circular movement and stretch to the superciliary muscle on the opposite side. "The Esthetician's Book" ebook and book 📚📖 version THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK 8. Before going up, m...

Vegetables: From colors to minerals

THE COLORS OF THE VEGETABLES The nutrition pyramid has this objective, to demonstrate which groups require greater food supply and which should be kept low, for proven health reasons. In the pantry or refrigerator of our house must reflect this greater provision in portions of vegetables and fruits, then continue to decrease in proportion cereals and legumes, following with the tea of medicinal herbs, then we find the red and white meats, the products derived from the milk and finally the desserts, snacks and processed snacks. Complying with this order of portions is often too specific in the everyday practice when we subject ourselves to the real pyramidal environment. THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK The main mistake we make is not to plan ourselves with the anticipation necessary to predict what it is that makes us lack to eat to maintain balance. For example, there are vitamins in legumes that compare to meats, on the other hand the antioxidants of...


75th Cannes Film Fest 2022 The Stars at Noon is a 1986 novel by Denis Johnson. It was published by Alfred A. Knopf on September 12, 1986. The novel follows an unnamed American woman during the Nicaraguan Revolution of 1984. It has been adapted into the 2022 film Stars at Noon by Claire Denis. The novel follows an unnamed American woman, supposedly a journalist, living in Managua, Nicaragua in 1984, during Sandinista rule. She originally traveled to Nicaragua as an observer for an anti-war group. She is disgusted with the corruption of both the Sandinistas and "the stupid CIA." She hustles as a prostitute at the Inter-Continental Hotel in Managua, hoping to leave Nicaragua one day. At the hotel, she eventually meets an unnamed English oil businessman whom she falls in love with. When the Englishman has falling out with Costa Ricans, the two flee together toward border. An American who is most likely a CIA agent tracks them and pressures her to sell out the Engli...