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ESTHETIC Plastic surgery is the branch of surgery that deals with remodeling any part of the human body affected by an injury or deformity. The malformation can be congenital, that is, be present from birth, as in the case of children born with cleft palate or cleft lip or other congenital anomaly. The disfigurement may also be a consequence of a surgical injury or deformity necessary for the treatment of diseases such as cancer. The main objectives of plastic surgery are the correction of anomalies, the restoration of lost functions and the improvement of the appearance of disfigured parts. Plastic surgery is one of the oldest surgical practices. It is likely that nose reconstruction operations were performed in ancient India as early as 2000 BC, when amputations of the nose were a form of punishment; With time, the caste of potters devised a method to reconstruct the nose using a part of the forehead, a technique that is still used today. There are also so...


Esthetic It is health through water, nowadays the use of the word "spa" is related to leisure and health establishments, where therapies are mainly used with water, by swimming pool, jacuzzi, hydromassages and saunas, medicinally they are called spas, also massages and treatments of tradition or cultural heritage are offered according to each region of the planet. 1. Physical improvement: The physical improvement of muscle pain and certain bone problems such as arthritis is achieved. 2. Psychic improvement: Reduction of stress, based on the relaxation that is obtained. 3. Aesthetic improvement: The relaxation and feeling of well-being and tranquility is reflected in our appearance, through the different beauty treatments that can be performed. To learn more about this ebook please visit this site: THE ESTHETICIANS GUIDE THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK   Even you can follow us on instagram @ Promonet Publishing to...

Your own facial step by step

FACIAL MASSAGE PROTOCOL The set of tasks for the realization and attention of a facial massage treatment are the following: 1. Place moisturizer on the entire face. 2. Perform circular movement, from the neck perform the circular movements and climb to the area behind the ears. 3. Then with the fingers we stretch towards the chin area. 4. In the chin we perform circular movements and stretch. 5. Then in the buccinator of the lips we place the fingers from side to side, one above and the other below, and stretch. Then make circular friction and stretch again. 6. Place the four fingers on the masseter muscle, perform circular movements until counting three repetitions and stretch. 7. Place the thumb at the level of the wing of the nose perform circular movement and stretch to the superciliary muscle on the opposite side. "The Esthetician's Book" ebook and book 📚📖 version THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK 8. Before going up, m...


Esthetic Bestselling The World of Massage: A Guide to Modern Techniques and Asian Spa Delights Massage, an ancient practice with roots in various cultures, has evolved into a diverse array of techniques catering to modern wellness needs. Let's explore ten of the most popular modern massage techniques and delve into the world of Asian spa therapies. Modern Massage Techniques: 1. Swedish Massage: This classic technique uses long, flowing strokes to relax muscles and improve circulation. It's ideal for stress relief and overall relaxation. 2. Deep Tissue Massage: Focusing on deeper muscle layers, this technique targets chronic tension and pain. It's beneficial for athletes and individuals with specific muscle issues. 3. Sports Massage: Tailored to athletes' needs, this massage aims to enhance performance, prevent injuries, and aid in recovery. 4. Shiatsu Massage: Originating from Japan, Shiatsu involves applying pressure to speci...


Esthetic Like many of the philosophical branches, aesthetics originated in Greece along with philosophy. In this evolution, among the legends of the various Greek gods are embodied the ugliness values and male and female beauty we find some of the most revealing myths of human feelings. For the personification of the feminine beauty it is indicated to Aphrodite, goddess of the love and the beauty, equivalent to the Roman Venus. In the Iliad of Homer appears as the daughter of Zeus and Dione, one of his consorts, but in later legends it is described sprouting from the foam of the sea and its name can be translated as 'born of foam'. In the Homeric legend, Aphrodite is the wife of Hephaestus, the ugly and lame god of fire. Among her lovers is Ares, god of war, who in later mythology appears as her husband. She was the rival of Persephone, queen of the underworld, with whom she fought for the love of the beautiful young Greek Adonis. While the beautiful young A...

Livre esthétique est lancé en français

C'est un ebook best-seller d'esthétique professionnelle traduit en 5 langues Guide de l'Esthéticien: Introduction et pratique pour les stations thermales et esthétiques, ce livre électronique a été publié pour toutes les personnes qui voient dans l'art de l'esthétique corporelle un moyen d'utiliser leur temps de manière profitable. Et comme la figure féminine et son estime de soi sont les facteurs les plus liés à la santé mentale, à l'épanouissement personnel et au bonheur, plusieurs chapitres illustrent, définissent et expliquent plusieurs des concepts et procédures nécessaires pour travailler dans une clinique esthétique, ou même le gérer comme une entreprise à part entière. La bibliographie disponible sur Internet sur les techniques et les protocoles de beauté les plus acceptés à l'heure actuelle a été mise à jour avec ce manuel qui n'a rien laissé en suspens car tous les sujets et sujets secondaires qui complèteront toutes ...


MAN FACE'S CARE IN A BARBERSHOP They are places dedicated to the service of haircut and beard exclusive for men and short style for women, which still remain in some countries of the Mediterranean and Latin America where it has not yet been replaced by the unisex beauty salons. The name of barber 'comes from the treatment to the growth of the beard that from the old was made, and is the person in charge of the barber to shave, cut and condition the hair of the customers. A barber today must have a lot of manual precision and count on artist qualities to apply the diverse levels of court so that it obtains an excellent result and the expectations of its clientele, that it usually becomes frequent. Among the functions performed by a barber or hairdresser are: • Give daily maintenance to keep the razors in good condition, this means free of hair and oiled. • Avoid reusing the disposable razors of those that are reusable as those of European import. • ...


NUTRITION The hormone aldosterone acts at the level of the kidney, causing the loss of potassium and the retension of sodium, when presents a hypersecretion disorder is called aldosteronism, and can be internal or external to the cortex adrenal. When there is an abnormal increase of the tissues in the woman, hyperplasia occurs, or alteration of the operation of the kidney and is called primary hyperaldosteronism, or suprrenal tumor or carcinoma excessive amount of this hormone. With the use of potassium, blood pressure rises, fatigue is felt, Thirst, muscle fatigue and increases urine excretion. With the combination of diuretic herbs along with foods like banana and pistachio this loss is prevented. When the hypertension states are accompanied by other symptoms external to the urinary tract such as accumulation of fluid in the tissues, congestive heart failure or liver cirrhosis is called secondary aldosteronism. We recommend volume 2 of the revo...