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Well-being and personal success

GOALS OF SELF-HELP Self-help literature is still longer fashionable. The reasons are many, beginning with the need for many people to seek orientate in the "know how" to know how to make things better within a particular field of work for the improvement of tasks daily in which doubts are experienced. In the absence of loving and timely advice, professional advice or a simple teaching reading, we have become accustomed to paying attention to what others are doing and inadvertently imitate them at the powerlessness of not finding more options than we facilitate a style of living. Yes, I mean the stereotypes founded at the time of social pressure. Study for better classify self-help literature as readers segments. Among women readers highlights topics oriented household management, children's literature and romance novels. Among men for their leisure time stands non-fiction in their various fields of study as architecture, law, sports, etc. ...

Christmas children book bestsellers

NEW CHRISTMAS COLORING BOOK For this Christmas 2018 Editions Promonet has prepared a great gift for the little ones of their home with a special launch promotion of the story "The Three Polar Bears at Christmas" , in two formats that combine recreational activities such as reading and drawing. It is a book with illustrations and posters that tell a story of courage and brotherhood between three brothers polar bears who undertake a risky adventure in search of food. In addition, the Google Drive download of our book 12 Diets Plenitude will be available for free download from this blog, for all those who like to learn about interesting health and wellness data through nutrition.      From the author and illustrator of Our Class is a Family, this touching picture book expresses a teacher’s sentiments and well wishes on the last day of school. Serving as a follow up to the letter in A Letter From Your Teacher: On the First Day of School, it’s a read al...


Nutrition Definitely is the process for the urinary system, which plays an important role in the regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance and acid-base balance of the body. Here the bladder is filled and clear amber liquid to the point that the nerves send signals to the bladder to contract, forcing us to go to the bathroom to expel the urine out of the body through the urethra. Nephrons in the kidneys back into the bloodstream proteins, salts, glucose, calcium and other nutrients selected our meals, to maintain an adequate level of blood composition. The kidneys also secrete hormones that regulate body functions such as maintenance of blood pressure and red blood cell production. The color of urine plays an important role in medical analysis. For example straw yellow normal color indicating the presence of yellow pigment can change to pink, (like water washing meat) in cases of hemoglobinuria and indicates the presence of blood in urine, a wine over red ...