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Promonet Canada releases new books

BOOK STORE CANADA THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK Guided learning and training Paperback version, Full Color 130 FAMOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ARTICLES Ebook version Paperback version " > MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION HANDBOOK Theather, Film, Radio and Web Ebook version Paperback version THE SOUNDMAN BOOK GUIDED LEARNING FOR SINGERS AND MUSICIANS Ebook version BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK comerce and current trends Ebook version Paperback version 12 DIETS FULLNESS: A COMPLETE ANATOMICAL PLAN Eating wisely Ebook version THE INDIAN CARAITO AND THE MUSES WARS Ebook version Paperback version FERDINAND AND THE CASTLE OF MAGIC EGG Ebook version Paperback version BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL TALES Ebook version THREE POLAR BEARS AT CHRISTMAS: Coloring Book Ebook version Paperback version BIBY 9 ACTIVITIES CHALLENGES Children skills book Paperback version

What is a healthy Nutrition?

A healthy diet meets the needs that the body needs to maintain good health. Nutrition refers to the nutrients that make up food, and implies the processes that happen in your body after you eat food, that is, the obtaining, assimilation and digestion of nutrients by the body. While food refers to the choice, preparation and intake of food, which is closely related to the environment, traditions, the economy and the place where you live, that is why in humans, food has a bio-psycho-social character.  Healthy eating is the one that meets the nutritional needs that the body needs to maintain good health. In addition, eating healthy protects us from diseases such as obesity, high blood sugar and high blood pressure. Did you know that nutrition is not exactly the same as food? Nutrition refers to the nutrients that make up food, it implies the processes that happen in your body after eating, that is, the obtaining, assimilation and digestion of nutrients by the body. 12 DIETS...

Erogenous zone and the onset of sexual orientation

SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR AND YOUR RISK Is any of the sexual proclivities of each individual, male or female, always observe the natural behavior of each and every one, at different stages of development make us an identity and preferences actively implemented can bring different consequences. We do not speak of relations within the household, or early pregnancy nor the unwillingness; but the ability of emotional self. Puberty brings the discovery of the sensitivity in the erogenous zone and the onset of sexual orientation. One of the more extreme risks is the beginning of sexual activity without protection against the threat of sexually transmitted diseases. THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK One of the oldest sexually transmitted diseases which are historical reports of its evolution is syphilis. It is believed that It originated in America and Europe since 1493 passed through the exchange between the worlds but manifest from more benign spirochetes that current. By 1905...


Nutrition Passing the stomach, the bolus is received by the secretion of gastric juice, which is a liquid acid secreting certain glands of the stomach membrane containing pepsin. It is believed that mucosal surface of the stomach is stimulated naturally from the time when the smell of food or perceived by the naked eye. This bag-shaped body provides a hormone called gastrin, which originates from the bottom of the stomach called pyloric end. Contraction waves that originate in the central area of ​​the body, can occur with a frequency of three contractions per minute. However, overeating, excessive intake of harmful food, ie spicy, refined or spicy foods without prior regularization of the mucosa with daily inclusion of specific nutrients, in the case of stomach pepsin enzymes, resin and lipase, and the intestinal flora in the intestines case, could be the underlying cause of many sudden illnesses of the digestive tract. Maintaining a balance gastric involves a co...