A healthy diet meets the needs that the body needs to maintain good health. Nutrition refers to the nutrients that make up food, and implies the processes that happen in your body after you eat food, that is, the obtaining, assimilation and digestion of nutrients by the body. While food refers to the choice, preparation and intake of food, which is closely related to the environment, traditions, the economy and the place where you live, that is why in humans, food has a bio-psycho-social character. Healthy eating is the one that meets the nutritional needs that the body needs to maintain good health. In addition, eating healthy protects us from diseases such as obesity, high blood sugar and high blood pressure. Did you know that nutrition is not exactly the same as food? Nutrition refers to the nutrients that make up food, it implies the processes that happen in your body after eating, that is, the obtaining, assimilation and digestion of nutrients by the body. 12 DIETS...