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Esthetic It is health through water, nowadays the use of the word "spa" is related to leisure and health establishments, where therapies are mainly used with water, by swimming pool, jacuzzi, hydromassages and saunas, medicinally they are called spas, also massages and treatments of tradition or cultural heritage are offered according to each region of the planet. 1. Physical improvement: The physical improvement of muscle pain and certain bone problems such as arthritis is achieved. 2. Psychic improvement: Reduction of stress, based on the relaxation that is obtained. 3. Aesthetic improvement: The relaxation and feeling of well-being and tranquility is reflected in our appearance, through the different beauty treatments that can be performed. To learn more about this ebook please visit this site: THE ESTHETICIANS GUIDE THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK   Even you can follow us on instagram @ Promonet Publishing to...


Nutrition Interestingly when we talk about medicine you need to know the correct cooking an infusion, which is very different from the decoction and the reduction process. In an infusion it tends to keep in less time properties young plant parts such as leaves, flowers and even seeds. It can be 3 minutes and should not exceed 5 minutes. Similarly, in the therapy of vapor, the vapor emitted from the container after removing it from the fire, is to be inhaled. Which is for nasal congestion is placed on a table and the sick person with his head covered with a towel to get the feel steam. Other vapors are made for hemorrhoids and intestinal problems and is throwing water and boiled, and warm the toilet, with the antiflatulent herbs and medicinal sitting naked while the vapors are ass received. They are recommended for people who work long sitting and do not carry a diet high in dietary fiber cereals. In cases of problems and respiratory ailments such as the common c...

Vegetables: From colors to minerals

THE COLORS OF THE VEGETABLES The nutrition pyramid has this objective, to demonstrate which groups require greater food supply and which should be kept low, for proven health reasons. In the pantry or refrigerator of our house must reflect this greater provision in portions of vegetables and fruits, then continue to decrease in proportion cereals and legumes, following with the tea of medicinal herbs, then we find the red and white meats, the products derived from the milk and finally the desserts, snacks and processed snacks. Complying with this order of portions is often too specific in the everyday practice when we subject ourselves to the real pyramidal environment. THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK The main mistake we make is not to plan ourselves with the anticipation necessary to predict what it is that makes us lack to eat to maintain balance. For example, there are vitamins in legumes that compare to meats, on the other hand the antioxidants of...

Erogenous zone and the onset of sexual orientation

SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR AND YOUR RISK Is any of the sexual proclivities of each individual, male or female, always observe the natural behavior of each and every one, at different stages of development make us an identity and preferences actively implemented can bring different consequences. We do not speak of relations within the household, or early pregnancy nor the unwillingness; but the ability of emotional self. Puberty brings the discovery of the sensitivity in the erogenous zone and the onset of sexual orientation. One of the more extreme risks is the beginning of sexual activity without protection against the threat of sexually transmitted diseases. THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK One of the oldest sexually transmitted diseases which are historical reports of its evolution is syphilis. It is believed that It originated in America and Europe since 1493 passed through the exchange between the worlds but manifest from more benign spirochetes that current. By 1905...

Esthetic ebook sale

To learn more about this ebook please visit this site: THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK 12 DIETS FULNESS   Even you can follow us on instagram @ Promonet_Publishing to know our promotions and special offers!


Nutrition Passing the stomach, the bolus is received by the secretion of gastric juice, which is a liquid acid secreting certain glands of the stomach membrane containing pepsin. It is believed that mucosal surface of the stomach is stimulated naturally from the time when the smell of food or perceived by the naked eye. This bag-shaped body provides a hormone called gastrin, which originates from the bottom of the stomach called pyloric end. Contraction waves that originate in the central area of ​​the body, can occur with a frequency of three contractions per minute. However, overeating, excessive intake of harmful food, ie spicy, refined or spicy foods without prior regularization of the mucosa with daily inclusion of specific nutrients, in the case of stomach pepsin enzymes, resin and lipase, and the intestinal flora in the intestines case, could be the underlying cause of many sudden illnesses of the digestive tract. Maintaining a balance gastric involves a co...


Nutrition The glands of the endocrine system have that function to complete in order to metabolize food through hormones. For example in the area of ​​the brain we found three of the eight endocrine glands are the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and the pineal gland. The pituitary gland, located in the cranial base bean-shaped pink and gray, is credited primarily the function of controlling the growth, and water balance in the body along with the kidneys. Meanwhile the hypothalamus is the organ sensory nerve terminals connected to the rest of the endocrine glands that serve the purpose of connecting erogenous, visceral and sensory connections to the limbic system receiving signals and launching pulses in response. And the pineal gland, which in humans is considered to be connected sensitively to the muscle of the eye and also relates to the isolation of methionine hormone, which in turn is associated with the functioning of the adrenal glands, sex and motivation d...

Miss Universe scandals 2018

Miss USA 2019 is Cheslie Kryst of North Carolina Kryst was born on April 28, 1990 in Charlotte, North Carolina to a Polish American father and a African Dominican mother. She has four brothers, Asa, Chandler, Jet and Brooklyn, and a sister, Page. Her mother, April Simpkins, competed in pageantry and was crowned Mrs. North Carolina US when Kryst was a child. Kryst grew up in Rock Hill, South Carolina and attended Northwestern High School. The family later moved to Fort Mill, South Carolina and Kryst transferred to Fort Mill High School, graduating in 2009; both cities are suburbs in the Charlotte metropolitan area. After graduating from high school, Kryst moved to Columbia, South Carolina to attend the University of South Carolina. She graduated from the Darla Moore School of Business with a degree in marketing and human resource management in 2013, where she was also a member of the Alpha Lambda Delta honor society, Gamecocks women's track and field team, and mock tr...