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Showing posts with the label nutrition

Dafne Bergson release her new work titled " The Estetician Book"

NOW AVAILABLE IN AMAZON, WALLMART, BARNES & NOBLE BOOK STORES It is the new release from Promonet Publishing, a full color and large print book for all those readers who enjoy this format to take advantage in beauty treatments. In May 2017 we published the first edition of this aesthetics manual, which in these three years of continuous promotion has received a great acceptance from the public of English-speaking readers and translated into six other languages from the continents of Europe and Asia. We consider that the health and well-being of our dear readers is a sensitive and very important topic, so we decided to review its content to improve it with 24 additional topics that had not been included before, more graphics, in addition to adding an additional chapter at the end with relaxation therapies that summarizes in a concise and enjoyable way those concepts that complete a work in this field of beauty science. Another innovation that we apply in this version are t...

Improve resistance beyond time

Beneath the epidermal layer lies the dermis, the true powerhouse of the skin. It's a dense, connective tissue layer that provides structure and support to the skin. The dermis is composed of a network of collagen and elastin fibers, which give skin its elasticity and prevent sagging. It also houses essential structures like blood vessels, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles. - The cellular makeup of the dermis is just as diverse: - Fibroblasts: These workhorse cells are responsible for synthesizing collagen and elastin, the scaffolding that keeps skin firm and youthful. - Adipocytes: Also known as fat cells, adipocytes provide insulation and cushioning, contributing to the fullness and contour of the face. - Mast cells: These immune system cells play a role in wound healing and allergic reactions. - Immune cells: Various immune cells reside in the dermis, constantly patrolling and protecting the body from invading pathogens. T...


NUTRITION In the spatial tract of digestion located between the stomach and the small intestine, we find another gland Endocrine of vital importance; The pancreas. Its function is to provide the enormous reserve of caloric energy that Body organs, both in the active and rest state, by providing two hormones The metabolism of carbohydrates or sugars, naturally derived from fruit saccharides. The deficiencies of the pancreas are not frequent. Acute pancreatitis is a serious disease that can be fatal If not treated immediately. Symptoms may be confused with those of a peritonitis or an obstruction intestinal because they are very painful. Endocrine secretion of the pancreas is the hormone insulin which is fundamental in the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body. With this, being secreted from the islets Langerhans to regulate during digestion the carbohydrates of carbon, fats and starch. Like other proteins, synthetic insulin can not be absorbed by oral route ...

Vegetables: From colors to minerals

THE COLORS OF THE VEGETABLES The nutrition pyramid has this objective, to demonstrate which groups require greater food supply and which should be kept low, for proven health reasons. In the pantry or refrigerator of our house must reflect this greater provision in portions of vegetables and fruits, then continue to decrease in proportion cereals and legumes, following with the tea of medicinal herbs, then we find the red and white meats, the products derived from the milk and finally the desserts, snacks and processed snacks. Complying with this order of portions is often too specific in the everyday practice when we subject ourselves to the real pyramidal environment. THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK The main mistake we make is not to plan ourselves with the anticipation necessary to predict what it is that makes us lack to eat to maintain balance. For example, there are vitamins in legumes that compare to meats, on the other hand the antioxidants of...

Erogenous zone and the onset of sexual orientation

SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR AND YOUR RISK Is any of the sexual proclivities of each individual, male or female, always observe the natural behavior of each and every one, at different stages of development make us an identity and preferences actively implemented can bring different consequences. We do not speak of relations within the household, or early pregnancy nor the unwillingness; but the ability of emotional self. Puberty brings the discovery of the sensitivity in the erogenous zone and the onset of sexual orientation. One of the more extreme risks is the beginning of sexual activity without protection against the threat of sexually transmitted diseases. THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK One of the oldest sexually transmitted diseases which are historical reports of its evolution is syphilis. It is believed that It originated in America and Europe since 1493 passed through the exchange between the worlds but manifest from more benign spirochetes that current. By 1905...

To be the best version of you

DOES IT MEANS WE HAVE BEAUTY LEVELS? The aesthetic traces several levels of measurement of the attributes of human beauty that range from the simplicity of the pretty, the candor of the beautiful and in the highest concept the naturalness of the beautiful. Others maintain that the inner beauty of a person can be valued by the positive qualities that a person practices before other people that without overrating the physical as we regularly emphasize, make human values as the primary standard of social estimation and public recognition. We recognize that the physical appearance, dress and manners of our behavior are signs of education or academic preparation, as well as social status, but physical attractiveness also arises if there is a difference between the beautiful and the sublime. On the one hand we find the inherent factors in the personality and experience of each person as the "Vanity" which is defined as a quality of conceit and presump...


NUTRITION The hormone aldosterone acts at the level of the kidney, causing the loss of potassium and the retension of sodium, when presents a hypersecretion disorder is called aldosteronism, and can be internal or external to the cortex adrenal. When there is an abnormal increase of the tissues in the woman, hyperplasia occurs, or alteration of the operation of the kidney and is called primary hyperaldosteronism, or suprrenal tumor or carcinoma excessive amount of this hormone. With the use of potassium, blood pressure rises, fatigue is felt, Thirst, muscle fatigue and increases urine excretion. With the combination of diuretic herbs along with foods like banana and pistachio this loss is prevented. When the hypertension states are accompanied by other symptoms external to the urinary tract such as accumulation of fluid in the tissues, congestive heart failure or liver cirrhosis is called secondary aldosteronism. We recommend volume 2 of the revo...