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Dafne Bergson release her new work titled " The Estetician Book"

NOW AVAILABLE IN AMAZON, WALLMART, BARNES & NOBLE BOOK STORES It is the new release from Promonet Publishing, a full color and large print book for all those readers who enjoy this format to take advantage in beauty treatments. In May 2017 we published the first edition of this aesthetics manual, which in these three years of continuous promotion has received a great acceptance from the public of English-speaking readers and translated into six other languages from the continents of Europe and Asia. We consider that the health and well-being of our dear readers is a sensitive and very important topic, so we decided to review its content to improve it with 24 additional topics that had not been included before, more graphics, in addition to adding an additional chapter at the end with relaxation therapies that summarizes in a concise and enjoyable way those concepts that complete a work in this field of beauty science. Another innovation that we apply in this version are t...


Nutrition Interestingly when we talk about medicine you need to know the correct cooking an infusion, which is very different from the decoction and the reduction process. In an infusion it tends to keep in less time properties young plant parts such as leaves, flowers and even seeds. It can be 3 minutes and should not exceed 5 minutes. Similarly, in the therapy of vapor, the vapor emitted from the container after removing it from the fire, is to be inhaled. Which is for nasal congestion is placed on a table and the sick person with his head covered with a towel to get the feel steam. Other vapors are made for hemorrhoids and intestinal problems and is throwing water and boiled, and warm the toilet, with the antiflatulent herbs and medicinal sitting naked while the vapors are ass received. They are recommended for people who work long sitting and do not carry a diet high in dietary fiber cereals. In cases of problems and respiratory ailments such as the common c...

Vegetables: From colors to minerals

THE COLORS OF THE VEGETABLES The nutrition pyramid has this objective, to demonstrate which groups require greater food supply and which should be kept low, for proven health reasons. In the pantry or refrigerator of our house must reflect this greater provision in portions of vegetables and fruits, then continue to decrease in proportion cereals and legumes, following with the tea of medicinal herbs, then we find the red and white meats, the products derived from the milk and finally the desserts, snacks and processed snacks. Complying with this order of portions is often too specific in the everyday practice when we subject ourselves to the real pyramidal environment. THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK The main mistake we make is not to plan ourselves with the anticipation necessary to predict what it is that makes us lack to eat to maintain balance. For example, there are vitamins in legumes that compare to meats, on the other hand the antioxidants of...


Esthetic Like many of the philosophical branches, aesthetics originated in Greece along with philosophy. In this evolution, among the legends of the various Greek gods are embodied the ugliness values and male and female beauty we find some of the most revealing myths of human feelings. For the personification of the feminine beauty it is indicated to Aphrodite, goddess of the love and the beauty, equivalent to the Roman Venus. In the Iliad of Homer appears as the daughter of Zeus and Dione, one of his consorts, but in later legends it is described sprouting from the foam of the sea and its name can be translated as 'born of foam'. In the Homeric legend, Aphrodite is the wife of Hephaestus, the ugly and lame god of fire. Among her lovers is Ares, god of war, who in later mythology appears as her husband. She was the rival of Persephone, queen of the underworld, with whom she fought for the love of the beautiful young Greek Adonis. While the beautiful young A...


Nutrition The glands of the endocrine system have that function to complete in order to metabolize food through hormones. For example in the area of ​​the brain we found three of the eight endocrine glands are the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and the pineal gland. The pituitary gland, located in the cranial base bean-shaped pink and gray, is credited primarily the function of controlling the growth, and water balance in the body along with the kidneys. Meanwhile the hypothalamus is the organ sensory nerve terminals connected to the rest of the endocrine glands that serve the purpose of connecting erogenous, visceral and sensory connections to the limbic system receiving signals and launching pulses in response. And the pineal gland, which in humans is considered to be connected sensitively to the muscle of the eye and also relates to the isolation of methionine hormone, which in turn is associated with the functioning of the adrenal glands, sex and motivation d...

Turning the Food Pyramid Upside Down

EAT WITH PYRAMID UPSIDE DOWN Pay special attention to the recommended daily serving of each food group is vital when we set our personal wellness goals portions. Nutrition pyramid has this objective, to show which groups require greater food supply and what should be kept low, for reasons of proven health. Dr. Light was the USDA Director of Dietary Guidance and Nutrition Education Research. She was hired to help develop the nation’s new dietary guidelines for the food pyramid. Dr. Light recommended the base of the pyramid be filled with five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Grains were recommended at just three to four servings daily, and coming from whole sources. Oils, such as olive oil and flaxseed oil were recommended for consumption at four tablespoons per day. Whereas, sugar was at the tip of the pyramid, the thing least recommended, and it was offered that it to be less than 10% of a person’s daily calories. In the pantry or refrigera...