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Promonet Canada releases new books

BOOK STORE CANADA THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK Guided learning and training Paperback version, Full Color 130 FAMOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ARTICLES Ebook version Paperback version " > MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION HANDBOOK Theather, Film, Radio and Web Ebook version Paperback version THE SOUNDMAN BOOK GUIDED LEARNING FOR SINGERS AND MUSICIANS Ebook version BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK comerce and current trends Ebook version Paperback version 12 DIETS FULLNESS: A COMPLETE ANATOMICAL PLAN Eating wisely Ebook version THE INDIAN CARAITO AND THE MUSES WARS Ebook version Paperback version FERDINAND AND THE CASTLE OF MAGIC EGG Ebook version Paperback version BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL TALES Ebook version THREE POLAR BEARS AT CHRISTMAS: Coloring Book Ebook version Paperback version BIBY 9 ACTIVITIES CHALLENGES Children skills book Paperback version

Promonet UK releases new books

BOOK STORE UNITED KINGDOM THE ESTHETICIANS BOOK Guided learning and training Paperback version, Full Color 130 FAMOUS BIOGRAPHICAL ARTICLES Ebook version Dictionary ebook version ESTHETICIANS GUIDE: SPA AND CLINICS Guided learning and training Paperback version, Gray Color MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION HANDBOOK Theather, Film, Radio and Web Ebook version Paperback version THE SOUNDMAN BOOK GUIDED LEARNING FOR SINGERS AND MUSICIANS Ebook version BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK comerce and current trends Ebook version Paperback version 12 DIETS FULLNESS: A COMPLETE ANATOMICAL PLAN Eating wisely Ebook version THE INDIAN CARAITO AND THE MUSES WARS Ebook version Paperback version FERDINAND AND THE CASTLE OF MAGIC EGG Ebook version Paperback version BETWEEN GOOD AND EVIL TALES Ebook version THREE POLAR BEARS AT CHRISTMAS: Coloring Book Ebook version Paperback version BIBY 9 ACTIVITIES C...

New release Sound Engineer Handbook by Promonet

Music Handbook: Exploring Sound, Instruments, Genres, and Technology This manual has 10 chapters on topics related to the Sound Engineer’s profession, and serves as a complete guide to the fascinating world of music. It delves into the fundamental elements of sound, explores the wide range of musical instruments, analyzes the history of major genres of the last century, and sheds light on the ever-evolving realm of sound engineering and technology and the current parameters of the industry. musical. Starting with Chapter 1, which deals with the science of sound and we explore the characteristics of acoustics, basic concepts of music theory and the timbre and texture of sound or noise in all its natural forms. In the second chapter it is titled as "The Human Voice" and delves a little more about the anatomy of the vocal tract, how the different vocal tones are classified from baritone to soprano and we show you some techniques of vocal use in formal an...

Imagining your history characters

PART 2 - CHARACTER CONSTRUCTION Imagine how worried we would be for a protagonist who decides that the Path he is traveling is very dangerous and hides to let things be solved alone. Or how much we would worry about the repentant gunman who hangs up his revolvers and swears he will not use them again, but at the first sign of trouble, he puts on his guns and reassumes his old behavior. It is the fight of the character, man or woman, full virtues and defects, which catches the audience and makes you worry about the development of the story. Multimedia Production Handbook In the movies, the protagonist almost always has the main role, the most interesting, and is the character that is most on screen, for the simple reason that it is the destiny of that person that we are following. Writers often name their films with the name of the protagonist: Erin Brockovich, Donnie Brasco, Michael Collins, Citizen Kane, Ninotchka, Tootsie - the list is endless. From time to time...