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Polar Bears Enviroment - A Free Christmas ebook for kids

Thanking all our dear readers for their support during the year 2024, we give away the completely free version of our fun ebook "The Three Polar Bears" - December 3th and 4th. Our printed version will be on sale from Amazon, to give as a coloring book of activities for your children in this special season. . The Polar Bear: A Majestic Arctic Hunter The polar bear, a magnificent creature perfectly adapted to the harsh Arctic environment, is the largest land carnivore on Earth. Its thick white fur, powerful physique, and keen hunting instincts make it a formidable predator. Feeding Habits: Polar bears are primarily carnivores, with their diet consisting mainly of seals. They are opportunistic hunters, often stalking their prey near breathing holes in the sea ice. Their exceptional sense of smell allows them to detect seals from great distances. Once they have located their prey, they launch a swift attack, using their powerful claws and jaws to subdue...

Imagining your history characters

PART 2 - CHARACTER CONSTRUCTION Imagine how worried we would be for a protagonist who decides that the Path he is traveling is very dangerous and hides to let things be solved alone. Or how much we would worry about the repentant gunman who hangs up his revolvers and swears he will not use them again, but at the first sign of trouble, he puts on his guns and reassumes his old behavior. It is the fight of the character, man or woman, full virtues and defects, which catches the audience and makes you worry about the development of the story. Multimedia Production Handbook In the movies, the protagonist almost always has the main role, the most interesting, and is the character that is most on screen, for the simple reason that it is the destiny of that person that we are following. Writers often name their films with the name of the protagonist: Erin Brockovich, Donnie Brasco, Michael Collins, Citizen Kane, Ninotchka, Tootsie - the list is endless. From time to time...

Historical Novel Release July 17th, 2019

FERNAND AND THE CASTLE OF THE MAGIC EGG This month of April, the online publisher PROMONET PUBLISHING, launched the Pre Sale to all its distinguished readers and lovers of the historical and fantastic novel genre with the title "Fernand and the Castle of the Magical Egg". It was written by David Ruiz and is his first novel in the genre, which It is inspired by a real legend about a Castle located in Naples, Italy. The Editorial Marketing Campaign that was raised consists of a first stage of Pre Sale at the offer price, which after its launch date official in July 2019, will rise with 30%, which allows all readers interested in reserving their copy of the work, and save this discount in its Ebook version. ARGUMENT FROM THE NOVEL "Ferrante is a young Italian nobleman who grew up in the port of Taranto. One morning his mother on his deathbed reveals a dark secret from the past that forces him to leave for Naples in search of his father and his tutor La...