The aesthetic traces several levels of measurement of the attributes of human beauty that range from the simplicity of the pretty, the candor of the beautiful and in the highest concept the naturalness of the beautiful. Others maintain that the inner beauty of a person can be valued by the positive qualities that a person practices before other people that without overrating the physical as we regularly emphasize, make human values as the primary standard of social estimation and public recognition.
We recognize that the physical appearance, dress and manners of our behavior are signs of education or academic preparation, as well as social status, but physical attractiveness also arises if there is a difference between the beautiful and the sublime. On the one hand we find the inherent factors in the personality and experience of each person as the "Vanity" which is defined as a quality of conceit and presumption for what is shown or demonstrated. Parallel the sense of "personal taste" is differentiated in each individual or group of influence, among the evolution of social fashions, we can point out that submitting to the jury after preparing and instructing ourselves in the areas of communication, audiovisual media, modeling, advertising and other similar fields; It requires a prior process of adaptation to criticism by not falling into grace and dreaming of a goal for the sake of taste.
Another aspect of aesthetics that should not disturb or inhibit us at all times is the sense of belonging to a race, a term used to classify humanity according to physical and genetic characteristics. Historically, physical anthropologists had divided humanity, according to its morphological features, into three great subdivisions or races: Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucasian. Some scientists went further by adding the Amerindian and the Oceanic. As a biological concept, the breed was more evident when the differences made reference to the morphological features, such as skin pigmentation, color, shape and thickness of the hair, the shape of the nose or body structure.