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Showing posts from March, 2024


Nutrition Passing the stomach, the bolus is received by the secretion of gastric juice, which is a liquid acid secreting certain glands of the stomach membrane containing pepsin. It is believed that mucosal surface of the stomach is stimulated naturally from the time when the smell of food or perceived by the naked eye. This bag-shaped body provides a hormone called gastrin, which originates from the bottom of the stomach called pyloric end. Contraction waves that originate in the central area of ​​the body, can occur with a frequency of three contractions per minute. However, overeating, excessive intake of harmful food, ie spicy, refined or spicy foods without prior regularization of the mucosa with daily inclusion of specific nutrients, in the case of stomach pepsin enzymes, resin and lipase, and the intestinal flora in the intestines case, could be the underlying cause of many sudden illnesses of the digestive tract. Maintaining a balance gastric involves a co...


The course of toxoplasmosis is usually mild and characterized by mildly striking symptoms reminiscent of a common cold However, if a woman contracts toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, this disease can cause serious congenital anomalies in the fetus. A single infection usually provides immunity. Severe toxoplasma infections can be prevented by avoiding consumption of raw meat or ensuring that all meats have warmed to at least 60 degrees Celsius. WE love cats, but the contact with infected or unknown cats as well as with feces should be avoided, and the stool box Should be emptied daily, as oocysts of cat feces do not become infective up to two to four days after disposal. Grooming your pet with one part vinegar for every three, may decrease your proliferation risk. Toxoplasma is usually present in cattle, poultry, and many domestic animals without to produce in them no harmful effect; However, it remains alive after the slaughter in raw meat up to that it is cooked, ...


Nutrition The glands of the endocrine system have that function to complete in order to metabolize food through hormones. For example in the area of ​​the brain we found three of the eight endocrine glands are the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and the pineal gland. The pituitary gland, located in the cranial base bean-shaped pink and gray, is credited primarily the function of controlling the growth, and water balance in the body along with the kidneys. Meanwhile the hypothalamus is the organ sensory nerve terminals connected to the rest of the endocrine glands that serve the purpose of connecting erogenous, visceral and sensory connections to the limbic system receiving signals and launching pulses in response. And the pineal gland, which in humans is considered to be connected sensitively to the muscle of the eye and also relates to the isolation of methionine hormone, which in turn is associated with the functioning of the adrenal glands, sex and motivation d...

Turning the Food Pyramid Upside Down

EAT WITH PYRAMID UPSIDE DOWN Pay special attention to the recommended daily serving of each food group is vital when we set our personal wellness goals portions. Nutrition pyramid has this objective, to show which groups require greater food supply and what should be kept low, for reasons of proven health. Dr. Light was the USDA Director of Dietary Guidance and Nutrition Education Research. She was hired to help develop the nation’s new dietary guidelines for the food pyramid. Dr. Light recommended the base of the pyramid be filled with five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Grains were recommended at just three to four servings daily, and coming from whole sources. Oils, such as olive oil and flaxseed oil were recommended for consumption at four tablespoons per day. Whereas, sugar was at the tip of the pyramid, the thing least recommended, and it was offered that it to be less than 10% of a person’s daily calories. In the pantry or refrigera...

A Night Under the Golden Statuettes: Celebrating the 96th Academy Awards

The 96th Academy Awards ceremony, held on March 10th, 2024, was a night of triumph and recognition for some of cinema's brightest talents. From the powerful biopic "Oppenheimer" sweeping the top categories to breakout performances by established actors and heartwarming animated features, the ceremony showcased the vast diversity and brilliance of contemporary filmmaking. **Oppenheimer: A Cinematic Triumph** The night belonged to Christopher Nolan's ambitious and thought-provoking biopic, "Oppenheimer." The film, a deep dive into the life of the enigmatic physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, "the father of the atomic bomb," garnered a whopping seven awards, including Best Picture, Best Director for Nolan, Best Actor for Cillian Murphy, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Film Editing, Best Cinematography, and Best Original Score. Murphy's portrayal of Oppenheimer, a man consumed by ambition and haunted by the weight of his creation...

Embracing New Horizons: 10 Most Important Things to Learn in Your 50s

Turning 50 is not just a milestone; it's an opportunity. While some may view it as the beginning of the "downhill" phase, the reality is that life after 50 can be a period of immense growth, discovery, and fulfillment. It's a chance to shed old expectations, embrace new possibilities, and embark on a journey of continuous learning. But what are the most important things to learn in your 50s? Here's a list of 10 essential lessons that can unlock a world of personal and professional satisfaction: 1. Prioritize your health and well-being: This is not just about avoiding sugary treats; it's about embracing a holistic approach to your physical and mental well-being. Explore new fitness routines, prioritize healthy eating, and invest in stress-management techniques like meditation or yoga. Remember, a healthy body is the foundation for a fulfilling life. 2. Deepen your relationships: Take time to nurture your connections with loved ones. Express your g...

10 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn in Your 40s

Unveiling Your Second Chapter Turning 40 isn't just about crossing a chronological threshold; it's a gateway to a new chapter brimming with possibilities and profound self-discovery. This transition, often marked by introspection and reassessment, presents an ideal time to invest in learning experiences that enrich your life and empower you to become the best version of yourself. While the "10 most important things" is subjective and depends on individual aspirations, here are 10 crucial lessons that can elevate your 40s and beyond: 1. Embrace the Power of "No": Master the art of saying "no" to protect your time, energy, and well-being. Having lived through decades of commitments, you now understand your priorities and limitations. Saying "no" allows you to focus on what truly matters, creating space for fulfilling pursuits and meaningful connections. Business Administration 12 DIETS FULLNESS 2. Cultivate Self-Compa...