The glands of the endocrine system have that function to complete in order to metabolize food through hormones. For example in the area of the brain we found three of the eight endocrine glands are the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and the pineal gland. The pituitary gland, located in the cranial base bean-shaped pink and gray, is credited primarily the function of controlling the growth, and water balance in the body along with the kidneys. Meanwhile the hypothalamus is the organ sensory nerve terminals connected to the rest of the endocrine glands that serve the purpose of connecting erogenous, visceral and sensory connections to the limbic system receiving signals and launching pulses in response. And the pineal gland, which in humans is considered to be connected sensitively to the muscle of the eye and also relates to the isolation of methionine hormone, which in turn is associated with the functioning of the adrenal glands, sex and motivation dream.
The adrenal glands, located above the kidneys, have an inner part called the medulla that is responsible for secreting adrenaline and noradrenaline in times of emergency or stress. The outer portion called the cortex is responsible for producing a large number of hormones to regulate muscle function through steroid substances such as cortisol metabolizing proteins, and other such as aldosterone, and catecholamines that regulate hydrates and salts.
In the case of thyroid glands known many years the addition of iodine to table salt that achieved impair the appearance of goitre in the world does. Hyperthyroidism is one of the conditions of this area of the neck or trachea derived from destruction and fall of the production of thyroid cells, such as parathyroid hormone and thyroxine in blood flow. Thyroiditis is another set of autoimmune inflammatory reactions may be accompanied by naturopathic treatment. It refers to a group of rare disorders characterized by inflammation of the thyroid neck. Localized pain occurs when the thyroid function be affected by a remotely located with cold intolerance, fatigue, weight gain and constipation edema infection. We remind that the volume 3 of the revolutionary diet plan "12 DIETS PLENITUD" provides us with the wide endocrine diet with more details and recommendations for the implementation of a process of natural prevention through food.
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