Interviewer: David, can you tell us what you were inspired to write your first novel in this one so ambitious genre?
I like it read stories that illuminate my imagination, elevate me and take me to fantastic worlds where to escape from reality. & nbsp; Since I was a child I knew it and today I can dare to invent my own universe full of characters unusual & nbsp; That's why I searched in universal history for a young noble, but with a past illegitimate, to a bastard as we also tell him. I also found Laurentius de Valla, a philosopher accused of heresy in the first years of the inquisition that proved in spite of its faults that the reason can be demonstrated with intelligence. So I was able to discover the Visconti, another family from Milan with very interesting characters from whom it was said they used mystic divination, and we were writing a singular novel that I hope will be liked by the readers
Interviewer: We can say that historians rewrite the European past in a way supposed based on his investigations, how true do you consider that legend of the Castle in Italy?
My first novel of the fantastic historical genre is "Fernand and the Castle of the Magic Egg" which is based on a real legend that happened in a Castle of Naples from which its ruins are still preserved. & nbsp; I started it write in 2005, before formally studying writing, so I still do not stop rewriting its final version.& nbsp; Ferrante is an antihero who must show himself as a firm conqueror of a territory fought by other Mediterranean kingdoms. At the end of his life he will discover that everything he battled for can be lost for his decendents.
Interviewer: Well, we wish you many successes in this new path that you have just embarked on as digital novelist. Could you share a fragment of your novel?
Many thanks for your support. Of course, yes, I advance a few lines of the argument of my next novel. He says thus: "Giraldona met your father there, the affinity of both young noblemen was immediate.
as a royal councilor in Naples at the end of that afternoon he saw them depart in a boat for a walk along the coast when holding hands they left the garden walking towards the Castillo dock. Another reason to know was that
their duchies would be together. When the holidays ended and the letters with congratulations of some Neapolitans ceased, the regent Juana II remained withdrawn in the castle of the Egg, leaving the Duke I stayed there while an Aragonese castle was being built in Pizzo de Calabria. That's when your father asked me to accompany you in the dukedom as a counselor and a scribe of his court. I accepted his offer carrying my parchments with me. "