The set of tasks for the realization and attention of a facial massage treatment are the following:
1. Place moisturizer on the entire face.
2. Perform circular movement, from the neck perform the circular movements and climb to the area behind the ears.
3. Then with the fingers we stretch towards the chin area.
4. In the chin we perform circular movements and stretch.
5. Then in the buccinator of the lips we place the fingers from side to side, one above and the other below, and stretch. Then make circular friction and stretch again.
6. Place the four fingers on the masseter muscle, perform circular movements until counting three repetitions and stretch.
7. Place the thumb at the level of the wing of the nose perform circular movement and stretch to the superciliary muscle on the opposite side.
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9. Then work the eyes from the outer commissure towards the internal passing through nasal, frown and temple.
10. Then perform again circular movements with the four fingers at the level of the wing area of nose and stretch towards the opposite muscle until reaching the superciliary.
11. After the external commissure towards the internal passed by nasals, eyebrows and temple.
12. Then we zigzag at the level of the periorbital wrinkles, stretch towards the wing of the nose, three down and three up, covering the entire orbicular muscle of the eyelids, always from the outer to the inner commissure. This step serves to restore the collagen in that area.
13. Perform zigzag friction in the area of forehead where the marked expression lines are. Also with the ring finger we pass a line for what are the lines of expression.
14. At the end one makes the hands in the area of chin, the ups by turning the hand down and up again. This step stretches the cutaneous muscles of the neck, all the muscles of the chin. It is done very slowly.
15. The face should not be left with residues, it should be moist but not shiny.
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